For over 50 years, CIMS has provided National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) compliant tire registration and recall services to tire manufacturers, brand owners, importers, tire dealers, tire distributors, mass merchandisers and automobile dealerships. CIMS is the recognized leader and the trusted name in tire registration.
In 1971, Paul J. Kruder formed Computerized Information and Management Services, Inc. (CIMS). Like the start of many organizations, CIMS was born out of a federal requirement. In 1970 NHTSA ordered tire manufacturers and tire dealers to register all tires they sold. The original mandate required tire manufacturers to mold identification numbers into tire sidewalls and to keep a record of the name and address of the first tire purchaser.
NHTSA was an extension of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (and a successor to the defunct National Highway Safety Bureau, NHSB), signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Act provided for a coordinated national safety program and establishment of safety standards for motor vehicles in interstate commerce to reduce accidents involving motor vehicles, and to reduce the deaths and injuries occurring in such accidents.
Today, CIMS is the recognized industry leader in tire registration, building a worldwide client base of tire manufacturers, private brand owners, tire dealers, tire distributors, mass merchandisers and automobile dealerships that surpasses 15,000. While the mantra, “It’s the Law!” remains the basis for the business, Susan B. Kruder continues to carry on her late husband’s vision of expansion and growth with innovations such as Point-of-Sale Electronic Tire Registration, Online E-Tire Web Portal and CIMS’ Electronic Tire Registration Clearinghouse.
CIMS’ clients range from the largest manufacturers, mass merchandisers and national retail chains to the smallest specialty tire maker and single store independent dealer. CIMS prides itself in the ability to work with each client, large or small, to develop an economical and efficient method to comply with the NHTSA Tire Registration Regulations.